Use of unassigned Local variable 'Meter' problem
Dear all
Please in need help in this problem
i try to call class that have function "GetMeterItems" and that function returns array of string
Code of Class StockDB:-
static string[] MeterStr = new string[100];
static Stock_3DataSetTableAdapters.MeterTableAdapter MeterTA = new global::Pricing.Stock_3DataSetTableAdapters.MeterTableAdapter();
static Stock_3DataSet.MeterDataTable MeterDT = MeterTA.GetData();
static DataRow[] MeterDR = MeterDT.Select();
public string[] GetMeterItems()
int i = 0;
foreach (var M in MeterDR)
MeterStr[i] = M.Field<string>("Type");
return MeterStr;
But a face "Use of unassigned Local variable 'Meter'" problem
When call it in my program :-
StockDB Meter;
string[] MeterStr = Meter.GetMeterItems();
If there is any one can help me
Best regards