using ArrayList to create dynamic tabcontrol pages
I have the following function reading XML file:
Function ReadProductsCategories(ByVal XMLFile As String) As ArrayList
Dim ReaderArray As New ArrayList
Dim Reader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(XMLFile)
Do While (reader.Read())
Select Case reader.NodeType
Case XmlNodeType.Text
'Store values in the arraylist container
End Select
'Return the arraylist container
Return ReaderArray
End Function
The following Sub is using it:
Private Sub LoadAllProductsCategories()
Dim i As Integer
Dim ItemList As New ArrayList
Dim AllProdTabPage As New TabPage
ItemList = ReadProductsCategories("allprodcat.xml")
For i = 0 To ItemList.Count - 1
AllProdTabPage.Name = "tab" & ItemList.Item(i)
AllProdTabPage.Text = ItemList.Item(i)
End Sub
The problem is that the first tabpage text is replaced with the last tabpage text. In this way I get the last tabpage 2 times, in the first position (where there should be completely other tabpage, the real one, the first one) and in the last position (correct)
Any ideea why I get this problem ? I have tested the XML reading by displaying messageboxes with each arraylist element and all is fine, the problem is when actually creating the tabpages.
Looking forward to your support on this one!