I was thinking to post this in WPF forum, but to the best of my knowledge this is pure c# issue.
I have application (WPF) that display values in listbox. I am using SQLite. On the form I have simple buttons named: ADD, EDIT and DELETE. So, just a simple ordinary page.
Every buttons carries a connection code:
SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(@"data source=...\Debug\bazaa.s3db"); conn.Open();
SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(" Select * from korisnici", conn);
DataSet1 dt = new DataSet1();
SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd);
DataTable tbl = new DataTable(); da.Fill(tbl); // fill the listview with values listView1.DataContext = tbl; conn.Close();
You can imagine how ugly does it luck having code repetition, so I thought to use classes.
I tried making a static class with a method that contains the above mentioned code. Problem is tbl value. I cant return a tbl. I tried converting it to string and returning it. That works, but string shows nothing.
After thinking i come to an idea to have to classes. First class will be called from main code and will contain this:
public class konekcija { ListView zomg = new ListView(); // this list view will be copied onto another class public void konektujme() { SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(@"data source=...\Debug\bazaa.s3db"); conn.Open();
SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(" Select * from korisnici", conn);
DataSet1 dt = new DataSet1();
SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd);
DataTable tbl = new DataTable(); da.Fill(tbl); //listView1.DataContext = tbl; zomg.DataContext = tbl; elementi.transfer.DataContext = zomg.DataContext; conn.Close(); }
Also i thought to create additional static class, in which I will have only this:
static public class elementi {
static public ListView transfer = new ListView(); }
And in main code do this:
konekcija jao = new konekcija(); jao.konektujme(); listView1.DataContext = elementi.transfer;
Please help me with this. I might be close to solution or totally in wrong direction, I really do not know.
Can you please provide me with your solution, or point me to errors in my solution.
Much appreciated.