This program is given in following website:
Two questions are there
1) Even though nameSpace2 and using directives in nameSpace3 (using NameSpace1 and using NameSpace2;) are comment out program is still executing.
2) We have to use somevar.ToString() to access the ToString() method but here only "somevar" is used to access the ToString() method.
// cs_using_directive2.cs
// Using directive.
using System;
// Using alias for a class.
using AliasToMyClass = NameSpace1.MyClass;
namespace NameSpace1
public class MyClass
public override string ToString()
return "You are in NameSpace1.MyClass";
/*namespace NameSpace2
class MyClass
namespace NameSpace3
//using NameSpace1;
//using NameSpace2;
class MainClass
static void Main()
AliasToMyClass somevar = new AliasToMyClass();