Values not disaplying in aspx popup control
I am using Dev Express tools with 3.5
I am trying to display some values on Popup control while clicking on repeater .I want to display popup control from server side
so i use
dxPopupProduct.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
but it is not displaying the control
If I am using the clinrt side functionslity , control wil be displayed...(GetWindow(), and show() method)
which code i hav to use for that one
this is the ASPx control (Popup)
<dxpc:ASPxPopupControl ID="dxPopupProduct" runat="server" CloseAction="CloseButton"
DataMember="ProductId" ClientInstanceName="dxPopupProduct" Height="200px" Width="300px"
PopupHorizontalAlign="WindowCenter" PopupVerticalAlign="WindowCenter"
HeaderText="Product Info" >
<dxpc:PopupControlContentControl runat="server" ID="PopupControlContentControl1">
<dxpc:PopupWindow Modal="True" >
<dxpc:PopupControlContentControl runat="server" ID="dxpopupcontent" >
<dxe:ASPxLabel ID="dxLblProdName" runat="server" Text="Product Name">
<dxe:ASPxTextBox runat="server" ID="dxTxtProdName" ClientInstanceName="dxTxtProdName">
<dxe:ASPxLabel ID="dxlblProddesc" Text="Description" runat="server">
<dxe:ASPxMemo ID="dxMemoProdDes" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="dxMemoProdDes">
<dxe:ASPxLabel ID="dxLblPrice" Text="Price" runat="server">
<dxe:ASPxTextBox ID="dxTxtPrice" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="dxTxtPrice">
<dxe:ASPxButton ID="dxBtnbuy" runat="server" Text="Buy" ClientInstanceName="dxBtnbuy">
<dxpc:PopupControlContentControl runat="server"></dxpc:PopupControlContentControl>
wat change i hav to made on this?
please help me
thanks in advance