I have the following html file on my local computer, which checks the API status of a server on our private network.
I am trying to have the VB browser control automatically submit the XML form and ping request on launch without opening any HTML file (with the code below).
Additionally, the url that this goes to requires windows authentication, which takes place in a windows popup dialogue. How can I automatically populate
that dialogue with user name and password?
I have looked on every site I can access (we have some forums blocked) Please help me! I'm out of ideas.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Test Form</TITLE> </HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function fnSubmit() { window.document.XMLFORM.submit(); return; } </SCRIPT> <BODY LANGUAGE="javascript" onload="return fnSubmit()"> <FORM NAME="XMLFORM" METHOD="POST" ACTION="http://web-address"> XML Request:<BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="XMLREQUEST" ROWS=10 COLS=60> <Request> <PingXML> <Data>Test Ping</Data> </PingXML> </Request></TEXTAREA><br> </BODY></HTML>