
visual studio cannot start debugging because the debug target is missing

Jenni Witzel

Jenni Witzel

Every time i run this and try to debug i get this message: visual studio cannot start debugging because the debug target is missing. I need to debug it first before i can turn it in as my teacher says it has syntax errors. Can anyone tell me what is debugging and syntax errors

Description: This program accepts as input the radius and height of a cylinder and computes the volume.   

using System;
using SC = System.Console;

public class JKingLab05
    public static void Main()
        int first, second;
        InputMethod(out first, out second);
            ("After InputMethod first is {0} and second is {1}", first, second);
    public static void InputMethod(out int one, out int two)
        string radius, height;
        const double PI = 3.14159;
        double r, h, v;

        SC.WriteLine("Lab 3 – Jencelyn");

        SC.Write("The Radius of the Cylinder is {2}");
        radius = Console.ReadLine();
        r = Convert.ToDouble(radius);

        SC.Write("The Height of the Cylinder is {3}");
        height = Console.ReadLine();
        h = Convert.ToDouble(height);

        v = (PI * r * r) *h;

    public static void volMethod(out int one, out int two)
        SC.WriteLine("The Volume of the Cylinder is {4} ", v);

    public static void wrapupMethod(out int one, out int two)
        SC.WriteLine("Lab 3 has successfully terminated");

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