
Visual Studio Interfaces

David Galea

David Galea

G'day everyone,

I was just curious as to whether Visual Studio has a package that will generate default methods for a class that is either extending a super class with abstract methods or an interface with said methods (similar to Eclipse with Java)?

i.e. if you had

 namespace Math2 {
    interface Number<T> {
        T add(T args);
        T subtract(T args);
        T multiply(T args);
        T divide(T args);

and you create a class which implements the interface i.e.

 namespace Math2 {
    class ComplexNumber : Number<ComplexNumber> {


it would generate default methods, i.e.
 namespace Math2 {
    class ComplexNumber : Number<ComplexNumber> {

        public ComplexNumber add(ComplexNumber args) {
            return null;
        public ComplexNumber subtract(ComplexNumber args) {
            return null;
        public ComplexNumber multiply(ComplexNumber args) {
            return null;
        public ComplexNumber divide(ComplexNumber args) {
            return null;


is that possible? (I'm gotten quite lazy with Java in Eclipse!)

Thanks in Advance,


Answers (1)