
Visual Studio 2005 is irriating



16 years ago
It sucks.

Well ok it does a lot of cool things but I'm a little irritated. First off, I can't find any hotkeys or key combinations to call and dismiss(autohide) the properties box. Well I can use Ctrl + W + P to call it but once I call it I can't make it disappear. And I can't find a function from Tools->Customize to do that with either. There *is* a Hide/Auto-Hide, but that doesn't really work as you lose focus on the properties box half the time anyway. Meaning I have to scroll over, reselect the stupid thing, and then use my hotkey. Not feasible. I just want something like a toggle switch that specifically calls the property box, and then when I'm done with it(or I just want it to go away for no reason) I can press a key and make it disappear. Anyone have any ideas how to do that?

I forgot what else is giving me problems, I'm sure I'll see it again soon.

Answers (3)