
2010 web deploy

Sie Ste

Sie Ste

I have a C# web forms 2010 application that I will need to deploy some changes I made in the near future. I am trying to determine how to deploy my changes.

Right now I am the only programmer in my small company where the web application was developed and supported by a contracter company out of town. This will be the first time I deploy a microsoft web application that is not using classic asp.

I am thinking that I should try to deploy the application the same way the contract shop did. This application has 3 different deployment proejct files setup according to my company network administator. I am not certain how the application is divided into the 3 separate deployment packages. What do you think I need to check?

Do  you think the deployment options would be using copy website, publish website, and/or using a deployment package option that can be downloaded from the Microsoft website? Can you tell me what I should be looking for?

I know the website requires IIS since the it manager says that is required for the website to run. Also when I try to debug the code on my workstation, I get an error message stating that I need several components of IIS installed on my workstation for the visual studio .net 2010 debugger to work for me.
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