WebBrowser Control - Cycle through pages ... Help understanding
OK all I know this my first post here, but I am really confusing myself and anyone that has coded knows that if you work on something to long it feels like you keep doing the same thing over and over and you can't figure it out!
So anyways I have never used the webbrowser control with c# until now. I have it doing just about everything I want I want ... going to a page, pulling some data, parsing etc..
The page I am doing this on ha a datagrid with infomation in it, but has multiple pages (i.e. 1,2,3,4 Next> ) I am trying to cycle through these pages and collect data, but when I try to run my loop within my application it will load the initial page and then the last page in the loop.
I have read a couple things about using document complete event, but I am not sure I quite understand it.
Do I put the loop in this event ?
Can someone give me code example of how i might do this.
If you need me to post some code I can, but I have tried this so many ways now I am not sure even where I am on it!