
What is mongoDb

Hamid Khan

Hamid Khan

7 years ago
MongoDB is an open-source/cross plateform (window, linuz etc) document database that is NoSql it is json format database.
it is written in C++. Purpose of this database is to create and deploy a highly scalable and performance-oriented database.
Stable release: 3.4.6 / 5 July 2017; 30 days ago
Initial release: February 2009, 11
other DB
Any database called name as Database
created Table called name as table under any database
Row any records called name as row
column any filed called its column
Table Join resulted data between two cor more table called table join
Primary Key it is unique and not null value
Any database called name as Database
Collection is equal to table
Document is equal to row
Field is equal to column
Embedded Documents is equal to table join
Primary Key (Default key _id) it is hexadecimal value (12 byte)
12 byte: 4 byte time stamp, 3 byte machine code, 2 bytes process id and 3 byes for incremeted process

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