in the following piece of code ,I don't know what I should put instead of LocalFileSettingsProvider (first line of code)
Please help ,please provide a detailed instruction as I am new for this settings thing,
SettingsProvider sp = settings.Providers ["LocalFileSettingsProvider"];
SettingsProperty p = new SettingsProperty("your_prop_name");
your_class conf = null;
p.PropertyType = typeof(your_class);
p.Attributes.Add(typeof(UserScopedSettingAttribute), new UserScopedSettingAttribute());
p.Provider = sp;
p.SerializeAs = SettingsSerializeAs.Xml;
SettingsPropertyValue v = new SettingsPropertyValue(p);
conf = (your_class)settings["your_prop_name"];
if (conf == null)
settings["your_prop_name"] = conf = new your_class();