
when i clik the hid button want to validate in DGV.

narasiman rao

narasiman rao

Jan 15 2013 5:02 AM
  Hide Button Code as follows;

  private void Btn_Hide_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  //confirmation to Hide the column
  datagridView.Columns[datagridView.CurrentCellAddress.X].Visible = false;

output as follows;  Button(Hide)

 Date  Period  RK  Mk  CK VK GS VB  CM   

 15/1/2013  1  tam(course)

Suppose user select the Mk column and click the Hide Button,user want to check in that  Mk column values tam(course) is there.do u want to hide.

before hide  the column to check in that column values are there,first clear the particular value and then hide . how to show the pop up message.

for that how to  validate.

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