
Why Sql Server cannot find one or more component ?

Ali Ahmed

Ali Ahmed

Nov 1 2015 1:54 AM
I am using SQL server 2012 and visual studio 2015. Everything was going very good but today an error message is showing when I want to open SQL server Management Studio which is "Cannot find one or more components.Please reinstall the application". I am browsing possible solution in google like "https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/3dd6f643-720f-4878-9594-894da73efd46/sqlmanagment-studio-cannot-find-one-or-more-components-please-reinstall-the-application-after?forum=sqlexpress"  etc. but problem is not solved yet. 
When I connect in visual studio I can connect SQL server but I want to create database and tables in SQL server. I can't reinstall it because there are many important database in it.
Any solution please?? 

Attachment: problem photo.rar