
Windows Access Bridge(Java Accessibility)



Dec 1 2004 12:03 AM
Hi! I want to use an API "GetAccessibleContextInfo" in my C# code to collect control information from a java window. This API call works fine in Delphi but not in C#. The API reads like this: BOOL GetAccessibleContextInfo(long vmID, AccessibleContext ac, AccessibleContextInfo *info); where; vmID = output from the API [BOOL GetAccessibleContextFromHWND(HWND target, long *vmID, AccessibleContext *ac)]. //This works fine. ac = output from the above API. //This also works fine. *info = this makes the problem. AccessibleContextInfo is a structure. But how can I replace the above pointer to a corresponding C# code? Tried with IntPtr, Void*, etc.. but no use... How can I point to the structure defined or how can I Marshal the pointer to a structure? Any idea?