
write/read WPF data grid direct to binary Xaml file (Bxaml)


Using c# I need to save my datagrid(WPF)  directly into a binary file(Bxaml) and read it back

later into the datagrid. Here is my old win forms datagridview   Is it possible to convert this?
I have using System IO in the form
string file = @"c:\ps1\database.bin";
           using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(file, FileMode.Create))) // open or create file
               bw.Write(DataGridView.Columns.Count); //count columns (starts at 0) and write info to file
               bw.Write(DataGridView.Rows.Count);    // count rows (starts at zero) and write info to file
               foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvR in DataGridView.Rows)  // repeat for every line inc last line for new
                   for (int j = 0; j < DataGridView.Columns.Count; ++j)  // read columns data in order in order
                       object val = dgvR.Cells[j].Value;    // change cell content to object
                       if (val == null)                     // if nothing in cell it will be blank
                           bw.Write(false);//  allows for blank cell
                           bw.Write(false); // allows for null string
                           bw.Write(true);                 // get binary content for cell
                           bw.Write(val.ToString());       // change content to string and write it to file
 Thank You in anticipation of a reply
Joe King