
Writing a custom event and sending it as a string to an API

Stefan Cazacu

Stefan Cazacu

I'm working on a personal project using a WinCE7 system and coding using C#. I need access to the system's GPIO and I have been provided with a GPIO api but little to no explanation or support from the developer. I've successfully used the api to set the output and get the input via polling but I need to set an interrupt driven mechanism. The api has a function that allows me to achieve this but i have been unable to figure out how to use it. The function looks like this: "BOOL GpioSetupInterruptPin(HANDLE hGPIO, PIN_GPIO_PORT port, UINT pin, INT_TRIGGER_MODE mode, INT_TRIGGER_POLARITY polarity, LPCWSTR szEventName, BOOL enable);
I've been given the structures for the PORT, TRIGGER_MODE and TRIGGER_POLARITY and the following description for szEventName: "event name of a named event", but that is about it.
I'm new at event handling in c# and i've done a lot of tutorials and code samples i found on google but i'm not sure how to pass my event to the above function. I've followed a number of examples online but I still don't understand what i'm doing wrong.
 Things i know i'm doing wrong in the code bellow: my event has no arguments, the code in red is not recognized by the compiler. I would really appreciate some help with this.
public partial class Form1 : Form
private void Interrupt_Setup()
hGPIO = GPIOapi.GpioOpenHandle(); //returns a handle to the gpio
GIPO_ON = true;
Debug.WriteLine("Driver open \n" + hGPIO);
string Trigger = "InputProcessUpdateHandler";
IntPtr handle = CreateEvent(IntPtr.Zero, false, true, Trigger); //used P/Invoke
GPIO_Output(); //set output pins
GPIO_Interrupt(Trigger);//configure interrupt
private void GPIO_Interrupt(string trigger)
bool ok;
ok = GPIOapi.GpioSetupInterruptPin(hGPIO, port6, 4, GPIOapi.INT_TRIGGER_MODE.TRIGGER_MODE_EDGE,
GPIOapi.INT_TRIGGER_POLARITY.TRIGGER_POL_HIGH_RISING, trigger, true);   //throws exception
if (!ok)
Debug.WriteLine("NO interrupt");
Debug.WriteLine("Interrupt set for:" + port6 + "04" + " at " + hGPIO);
private InputProcessor _inputProcessor = null;
public ShowToggle(InputProcessor inputProcessor)
_inputProcessor = inputProcessor;
_inputProcessor.updateHandeledBy += InputProcessUpdateHandler;
private void InputProcessUpdateHandler()
public class InputProcessor
public event InputProcessUpdateHandler updateHandledBy = null;
public void Process(Label label)
if (updateHandledBy != null)
Some of the sites i've looked at: 
Answers (5)