New Idea Idea

A panel should be there to talk with editors

  • There should be a panel to talk with editors who are editing the article or blogs before publishing. Because i have posted two articles one is on 05 Jun and another is 14 jun. The status of both articles are showing submitted. I don't know the reason why my article are in submitted state from long time, if there would have a panel, i could talk with the editor for this error or for the type of situation. if i made mistake while posting article, for the reason the article or blog are is in not published stage , i could talk with editor and next time i will not make the same mistake. it will be easier for the editor to edit with out much problem as well , because author may have solve him self lot of issues in articles of blogs Thanks
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    Mahesh Chand
    I agree with previous two comments. We're changing My Account to show exact status and progress of your submissions. That should take care of it.
    Suthish Nair
    Sometimes it will took more time for final approval of articles/blogs, so have patience. Because here the rejection rate is very very very less. You can also check the article/blog history for any comments posted by editor.
    Nitesh Luharuka
    There is a messaging section and you can just message the editors there. Also, you can talk with them on various social media