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Vithal Wadje
  • Respected Sir, This site is very good and great to increase my Knowldge. sir But their is no any page for debate.. so some one post the Innovative Idea Regarding the new technology which is comes to her mind..but he has not a platform to discuss about his innovotive Idea .it may be change the world. so sir to discuss such a idea..provide us a one platform so we can make the online debate regarding particular persons Innovotive technology idea... for example.. In my Mind their are lots of question are comes..i will give just two question or Innovotive Idea as you think according to my question... that is "Can we add the CCTV Camera like Controll in a web application..if we add this type of functinality to the web application then our cyber crime may be reduced means the camera in the web application monitors the all the activites of end user as soon as he opens an web application anywere. because of this we make all our E-coomerce web site more secure and so you think it less" so above is my one i wants to debate in above my question with top Members of C-sharpcorner.. so provide the one platform to discuss such a type of questions.. and dont think camera is a hardware how we can add in a software application,I am not particullarly point on camera..i am asking Like a camera Device controll. and remind the present example is Television is also a Hardware but we watch online it on web application.. and If Such type of controll is not availble then why we are not recomded to Microsoft or other to Developer to bulit a such a type of controll which will gives the lots of benifits in future.. Thanks
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