Implemented Idea

Add Entity Framework and Angular 2 Categories

  • Can have them in a separate categories?
    (11) Supporters
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    Mahesh Chand
    Let's have some articles in these categories. Then we can create one? Can we use Angular for all Angular versions. Otherwise, there will be Angular 3 and so on and we will have to keep adding categories :).
    We actually have numerous amount of EF articles already. We can't just categorize it to EF because the aforementioned category does not exist. In the case of Angular, I understand your concern, but It would be too confusing for readers to search something related to Angular 2. Remember Angular 2 is completely rewritten and the implementation is way different compared to Angular 1.x. To put it in other words, it's okay to have ASP.NET 1.x,2.x,3.x and 4.x categorized as ASP.NET. But not for the case of ASP.NET Core because it was completely rewritten and different. :)
    Alright. We will create 2 new categories.
    Thank you :)