New Idea Idea


  • C# Community need to carry out different competitions in any category or post a survey to collect in which category all the users are interested either depend on different occasions or on timely basis.
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    Suthish Nair
    Its good if no competitions here.
    It would be good if you can explain why its good. Having competition would make developers aware about how to write effective code.- just a thought.
    Am not sure also I don't believe this platform is made for such things. But we can use as knowledge sharing instead of a competition. Am not sure how competition make developer to write effective code. We do have forums, interview sections etc. But still let Admin decide on the same.
    I have observed on multiple forums (programming competition that having challenged developers would result the best of the programming languages). Take a look at Programming and Puzzle section here. Not only it will result in knowledge sharing but having effective piece of codes will raise the fame of this community to next level. - Just a thought.
    Nitesh Luharuka
    We already have polls feature on the website
    Polls are not the alternative of competitions, both are different things.