
How can you read an integer value from the keyword when the application is runtime?example?

Krishna Rajput Singh

Krishna Rajput Singh

Jul 16, 2014

    using Console.Readline()

    Rahul Prajapat
    June 01, 2015

    using Console.Readline()

    We can also use int.Parse to conver string into integar. Example: String abc="500"; int num=int.Parse(abc); Console.writeline(num);It will also give output 500

    Piyush chhabra
    April 20, 2015

    You can use the console.ReadLine()method to read a value an integer from the keyboard, but console.ReadLine() method returns String value.Therefore, if you want to read an integer value , you need to convert the value returned by console.ReadLine() into an integer value. Syntax: int value=convert.ToInt32(console.ReadLine()); using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text;namespace ConsoleApplication4 {class Program{public void f1(){int score;System.Console.WriteLine("Enter the Score");score = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // convert here intger valueswitch (score){case 100:Console.WriteLine("Century");break;case 200:Console.WriteLine("Double Century");break;default:Console.WriteLine("Invalid case");}}static void Main(string[] args){Program pro = new Program();pro.f1();Console.ReadLine();}} }