
How many types of message exchange pattern(behavior ) in WCF

Lalit Raghav

Lalit Raghav

May 27, 2015

    1 -Request/reply 2-one way 3 duplex

    Lalit Raghav
    May 27, 2015

    There are three types of message exchange pattern in WCF: 1. One-Way, 2. Request-Reply, 3. Duplex .Request-Reply is the Default one. In One Way message exchange pattern , WCF does not need to send reply back to client application and client application does not wait for the reply even. In Request-Reply, Client application sends message to Service application and waits for the reponse from the service application. In Duplex communication, client application or service application can start the communication and expect notification/ acknowledgement from their counter part.

    Sanjukta Pearl
    August 18, 2015

    1 -Request/reply (Default ) 2-one way 3 duplex (For Call back operations)

    Nitin Pandit
    June 23, 2015

    There are 3 types of message exchange patterns are available in WCF: (01.) Request/Reply: In the request-reply pattern, a client application sends a message to a WCF service and then waits for a reply. You will use this pattern most often. (02.) One Way: In the one-way message exchange pattern, the client application sends a message to a WCF service but the service does not send a reply message to the client. You can use this pattern when the client does not need to wait for a reply from the service. (03.) Duplex/Callback: In the duplex pattern, both the client and the service can initiate communication. You can use this pattern when you want the service to send a notification or alert to the client after the client has called the service.

    Sujeet Suman
    June 17, 2015

    Please once go through following link: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff395349.aspx

    Sujeet Suman
    June 17, 2015


    Khan Abrar Ahmed
    June 16, 2015

    Request-Reply, One way & Duplex.[OperationContract(IsOneWay = false)]-->Oneway [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]-->Req-rephttp://www.codeproject.com/Articles/566543/WCF-Message-Exchange-Patterns-MEPs

    Srikanth Reddy
    June 16, 2015


    Munesh Sharma
    June 16, 2015

    service contract data contract message contract fault contract

    Munesh Sharma
    June 16, 2015