
How to make text moving up or down?If the user selects the text it be stopped?

    We can achieve this using simple HTML. Try below code...

    <div align="left"> <marquee  direction="up" onmouseout=this.start() onmouseover=this.stop()
     scrollamount="2" loop="true" > <center>
    <font color="#CC9966" size="+1" face="Monotype Corsiva"><strong>
    <font color="red"> Definition:- </Font>
    C# Corner is one of the good site created in view of to help programmers.<br>

    <font color="red">Objectives:-</font> The typical objectives of C# Corner Website is to:-<br>

    <img src="images\tick.jpg" border="0" width="25" height="25" align="middle">
    Help programmers by giving samples.<br>
    <img src="images\tick.jpg" border="0" width="25" height="25" align="middle">
    Help candidates to prepare for interview.<br>
    <img src="images\tick.jpg" border="0" width="25" height="25" align="middle">
    Allows experienced programmers to post thier views<br>
    <img src="images\tick.jpg" border="0" width="25" height="25" align="middle">
    Allows programmers to post thier questions <br>
    <img src="images\tick.jpg" border="0" width="25" height="25" align="middle">
    Allows candidates to ask interview questions<br>

    </strong></font> </center> </marquee></div>

    Dynamically create a table from the vb side and and add rows in it. Take a marquee in the html side and put that table into the marquee and use stop method to stop that moving text when required as per events. If you still have problem contact me at [email protected].

    I have done this