
How will you load dynamic assembly? How will create assemblies at run time?

Aug 02, 2006

    simply you can load the assembly by using namespace. using system.Reflection; create an object Assembly assembly=Assembly.Load("AssemblyName"); Type t=assembly.GetType("AssemblyName.Class"); through the method info you can get the methods name and it will be come in array.

    manoj kumar
    March 17, 2015

    to load the dynamically you have to use the reflection feature of dot net through the System.Reflection name space

    whose assemble class has a method assembly.loadfrom(assembly name) that load the assembly.

    or if you want to create a dynamic assembly in memory at runtime then you can use System.Reflection.Emit name space.

    Surender Rawat

    [email protected]

    Sureder Rawat
    August 03, 2006