
1) In asp.net,i have images ,css and javascripts. when web pages is loaded,some images ans css is not loaded. due to this,alignment of web pages is not good. my question is how to analyze this and how to fix it. 2)how to increse performance of web pages . i want to do it at client side. 3)in my computer ,internet explorer 10 is installed. my question is,how to check web pages at IE6,IE 7,IE8.i do not want to install ie6/7/8. 4)i have a dll . i do not know the code. in dll, i have a .toString() function but it does not support null. my question is,i want to add functionality in .toString() so that it support null.how will i do as i do not know the original code?

Pramod Gupta

Pramod Gupta


    1) May be the specified image, css etc., resource path is not correct. 2) We can increase web page performance by using Content Delivery Network(CDN), we can upload all the resource which do not change frequently to CDN so that it will help loading them quickly in less time. we should have small size images so that image loading should not take more time to load. 3) In IE if you press F12 a small window opens its developer options, where we can select which version of IE it should behave like. 4) We can use Extension Method to implement your own functionality and make it powerfull.I guess above answer helped.

    you can use Jquery Ajax to get quick result on client side.