
Is it compulsory to initialize a variable in the first segment of the for loop or can we initialize it before the loop starts?

Krishna Rajput Singh

Krishna Rajput Singh

Aug 27, 2014

    No,it is not compulsory to initialize a variable in the first segment of the for loop .You can ever initialize the variable before the loop starts .In that class ,the first segment will only have a semicolon,as shown in the following codes. numeric num-0; for (;num<=4;num=num+1)

    Krishna Rajput Singh
    August 27, 2014

    No,it is not compulsory to initialize a variable in the first segment of the for loop .You can ever initialize the variable before the loop starts .In that class ,the first segment will only have a semicolon,as shown in the following codes. int num=0; for (;num<=4;num=num+1)

    Rahul Prajapat
    May 27, 2015