
What does Server.MapPath do?

Ravi Kumar

Ravi Kumar

Nov 28, 2006

    There r 2 type of path 1). Physical path and 2) Virtual path

    Server.mappath (virtual Path) is used to obtain physical path of given virtual path.

    Jimmy Vyas
    July 02, 2007

    The MapPath method maps a specified path to a physical path. But we can't use this method                in Session.OnEnd and Application.OnEnd.

    Syntax is Server.MapPath(path)

    where path is the parameter Required. A relative or virtual path to map to a physical path. If this parameter starts with / or \, it returns a path as if this parameter is a full virtual path. If this parameter doesn't start with / or \, it returns a path relative to the directory of the .asp file being processed.

    Manish Dwivedi
    November 28, 2006