
What is difference between overriding and overloading?

Abhishek Tyagi

Abhishek Tyagi


    Overloading: is also known as early binding which is performed at compile time .In overloading we can perform method over loading .with same name but different parameters or operator overloading in which we can change the meaning of an operator Overriding: is also known as late binding which is performed at run time. we use concept of virtual operator in program. another diff is that overloading can performed with or without concept of inheritance but overloading only performed in inheritance

    Overloading: is also known as early binding which is performed at compile time .in overloading we can perform method over loading .with same name but different parameters or operator overloading in which we can change the meaning of an operatorOverloading: is also known as late binding which is performed at run time. we use concept of virtual operator in program.another diff is that overloading can performed with or without concept of inheritance but overloading only performed in inheritance

    Overriding :- Same method name with same parameters.Overloading :- Same method name with Different parameters.






    Read this post which is having complete explanation about Overriding . http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/48b606/overriding-in-C-Sharp-and-internals-of-overriding/

    overloading is also known as early binding or static binding, advantages of early binding is reusability of code, overloading means having same method name and different arguments and this is check at compile time only. overriding is also known as late binding or dynamic binding, advantages of overriding is flexibility, overriding means creating a method in derived class with same signature as a method in base class is called overriding.

    overloading :-declare a function more then one time in a class but parameter are different means number of parameter or type of parameter different.overriding :-declare a function same name same parameter both the child class and parent class is called funcion overriding and its only possible in inheritence.

    Overloading means When we add a new method with the same name in a same/derived class but with different number/types of parameters, the concept is called overluoad and this ultimately implements Polymorphism. and Overriding means When we need to provide different implementation in a child class than the one provided by base class, we define the same method with same signatures in the child class and this is called overriding.

    overloading:overload occurs if two or more methods are with the same name but with different signatures.The different signature in the sense it can be the number of parameters,order of parameters,diffrent datatype,ovverriding:Ovverriding occurs when you create the method in the derived class with the same signature as of the base class.