What is polymorphism and what is type of polymorphism?
Sandeep Kumar
The term polymorphism is very common topic in oops. "Poly" means many and "morphism" means form. This a Greek word. It means polymorphism is ability to work at many form at a time. A code that can re-use by multiple time is known as polymorphism. There is two type of polymorphism ...1) Compile time Polymorphism(Static Binding/ Method Overloading). 2)- Run-time Polymorphism (Dinamic Binding, Method Overriding).
polymorphism meams so many formsit is of two types Static & dynamic
refer this article http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/a8024d/polymorphism-in-C-Sharp-with-real-life-example/
polymorphism is properties of oop in which one method behave in different method. Type of polymorphism is Staic polymorphism Dynamic polymorphism