
What is the difference between a Web Server and a Web Browser?

Emmy Dickens

Emmy Dickens

Feb 13, 2012

    Web Server A web server can be either a software unit or a hardware unit. We will talk about both of these counterparts together. In layman's terms, a web server is a place where you store the content of a website. When you type in www.csharp.com in your web browser, the address gets translated to the IP address of the server where the files of the DB are stored. This storage facility is in essence the web server and facilitates serving dynamic HTML content to any client who is requesting it. With the recent developments, Web Server can serve dynamic content using server side scripting languages like PHP, ASP or JSP, as well. They serve a variety of clients including web browsers of the PCs, routers, printers, web cams etc. Another feature that can be seen in the web servers is the ability to acquire information from the clients using mechanisms such as forms or uploading. For instance, when you comment on this article, the web server acquires the content you used to comment and stores it. Web Browser You're probably using a web browser to read this article right now. A web browser is basically software facilitating the retrieval of information from a web server. The information that is presented may be text, images, videos or any other content and sometimes third party plugins are used to display content inside web browsers. For instance, when you watch a video, a flash player plugin is generically needed to decode and present that information on your screen as a video. A web browser uses a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) to locate information source. They work in the Application layer of the CISCO OSI model. You may identify a web browser better if I spell out some popular browsers in use. Does Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera sound familiar to you? I'm sure they do, and they are all web browsers. Thus, now you know the responsibilities of a web browser by experience. Your Tabish Alam Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi

    Mohammad Alam
    February 02, 2015

    Web Browser :
    A web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. An information resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and may be a web page, image, video, or other piece of content. Hyperlinks present in resources enable users easily to navigate their browsers to related resources. A web browser can also be defined as an application software or program designed to enable users to access, retrieve and view documents and other resources on the Internet.

    Web Server :
    Web server can refer to either the hardware (the computer) or the software (the computer application) that helps to deliver content that can be accessed through the Internet.

    yashwant wadkar
    February 18, 2012

    Web Server A web server can be either a software unit or a hardware unit. We will talk about both of these counterparts together. In layman's terms, a web server is a place where you store the content of a website. When you type in www.csharp.com in your web browser, the address gets translated to the IP address of the server where the files of the DB are stored. This storage facility is in essence the web server and facilitates serving dynamic HTML content to any client who is requesting it. With the recent developments, Web Server can serve dynamic content using server side scripting languages like PHP, ASP or JSP, as well. They serve a variety of clients including web browsers of the PCs, routers, printers, web cams etc. Another feature that can be seen in the web servers is the ability to acquire information from the clients using mechanisms such as forms or uploading. For instance, when you comment on this article, the web server acquires the content you used to comment and stores it. Web Browser You're probably using a web browser to read this article right now. A web browser is basically software facilitating the retrieval of information from a web server. The information that is presented may be text, images, videos or any other content and sometimes third party plugins are used to display content inside web browsers. For instance, when you watch a video, a flash player plugin is generically needed to decode and present that information on your screen as a video. A web browser uses a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) to locate information source. They work in the Application layer of the CISCO OSI model. You may identify a web browser better if I spell out some popular browsers in use. Does Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera sound familiar to you? I'm sure they do, and they are all web browsers. Thus, now you know the responsibilities of a web browser by experience.Your Tabish Alam

    Mohammad Alam
    February 02, 2015

    Hi Dickens,

    In simple words Web Browser is the Client through which we can sent any type of HTTP requests. And Web Server is Kind of Listener that can listen our HTTP requests and it responds. Please let me know if there is any concern.

    Kind Regards

    Mohsin Ihsan
    April 01, 2012

    1) Private - Assembly available only to clients in the same 
    2) Shared - Assemblies in GAC
    3) Satelite - Assembly in the specific directory of the 

    piyush sardhara
    March 13, 2012

    1) Private - Assembly available only to clients in the same 
    2) Shared - Assemblies in GAC
    3) Satelite - Assembly in the specific directory of the 

    piyush sardhara
    March 13, 2012

      Use This Code
      Child frm = new Child();
       frm.MdiParent = this;

    piyush sardhara
    March 13, 2012

    Web browser: A software application for retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. 
    example: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome 

    Web server: a program on a server computer, somewhere out on the internet, that delivers web pages to web browser.

    piyush sardhara
    March 13, 2012