
What is the difference between group box and panel control in ASP.Net

bhavana saini

bhavana saini


    1)Panel Have Auto Scroll Property But GroupBox Dont Have Auto Scroll Property

    2)In Panel You Can Take Different Control But In GroupBox You should Use Same Control
    3)GroupBox Control Display The Caption But Panel Does Not Show Caption

    Although a Panel as well as the groupbox are almost the same there are minute differences. In group box you can enter text while you cant do that in Panel. In Panel you have got a built in support for scrollbars which is not available in case of group box.

    • A GroupBox may have a visible caption, whereas the Panel does not.
    • A GroupBox always displays a border; a Panel’s border is determined by its BorderStyle property. It may be set to BorderStyle.None, BorderStyle.Single, or BorderStyle.Fixed3D.
    • A GroupBox does not support scrolling; a Panel enables automatic scrolling when its AutoScroll property is set to true.

    • A GroupBox may have a visible caption, whereas the Panel does not.
    • A GroupBox always displays a border; a Panel’s border is determined by its BorderStyle property. It may be set to BorderStyle.None, BorderStyle.Single, or BorderStyle.Fixed3D.
    • A GroupBox does not support scrolling; a Panel enables automatic scrolling when its AutoScroll property is set to true.