
What tag is used to create HTML Lists?

Ajay manola

Ajay manola



    The HTML li tag is used for specifying a list item. You can list out the items by using 4 types, ul - unordered list ol - ordered list dir - directory list (deprecated) menu - menu list (deprecated) Example:

    • ul - unordered list
    • ol - ordered list
    • dir - directory list (deprecated)
    • menu - menu list (deprecated)

    Magento Website Developer

    An ordered list:The first list item The second list item The third list item An unordered list:List item List item List itemHTML Unordered ListsAn unordered list starts with the

      tag. Each list item starts with the
    • tag.The list items are marked with bullets (typically small black circles).
      • Coffee
      • Milk
      How the HTML code above looks in a browser:Coffee Milk HTML Ordered ListsAn ordered list starts with the
        tag. Each list item starts with the
      1. tag.The list items are marked with numbers.
        1. Coffee
        2. Milk
        How the HTML code above looks in a browser:Coffee Milk