
what's the difference between global and user defined functions?




    The real answer of your question is:

    Global Function: If any function is declared and defined outside the main() function then this is known as global function. It doesn't matter that global function are only predefined we by ourself can also create the global function. Global function is just the kind of function we can call them from any part of the program. Local function are restricted outside the curly braces i.e.{}we cant call them from outside their area of focus

    User Defined Function: If the programmer gives definition to the function according to his  need then this function is known as the user defined function. Predefined function means the the function which is already defined in language dictionary and we use them to implement our ligic. 

    Hi, Vanessa

    the difference between user defined functions and global functoin is

    that user defined are those functions which are created by a user on his / her requirement

    and global functions are those which we can import ...they are predefined created we are not require to create them..