
Why should I use semantic HTML?Although I can do the same by using DIV.

Manju lata Yadav

Manju lata Yadav

Jul 31, 2014

    Basically semantics is the study of the meanings of words and phrases in a language. Semantic elements or tags in html are elements with a meaning. A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer. -Examples of non-semantic elements: DIV and SPAN - Tells nothing about its content. -Examples of semantic elements: FORM, FORM, and IMG - Clearly defines its content. HTML5 offers new semantic elements to define different parts of a web page: for instance: header tag, aside tag, footer tag, nav tag, etc. Semantic tags also help search engines to target your web page's content accurately and easily.

    Mohamed Yusuf Ali
    March 12, 2015

    Semantic convey extra information about the content like

    tells its a paragraph and

    tells its a heading.The purpose of semantics of HTML is that consumers of your code like people, browsers, or screen readers can consume the content and easily parse it, both objectively for machines and subjectively for people. Benefits of semantic HTMl 1.Lighter Code 2.Accessibility:-When you properly label aspects of your pages as titles, headings, paragraphs, and lists, you make it easier for screen readers and other assistive technologies to parse and present the content in a form that a disabled person can understand. 3.Search Engine Optimization 4.Repurposing:-Semantic HTML takes advantage of the fact that a news item will always be a news item, and an archive will always be an archive, no matter where they are positioned on the page. 5.Developer comprehension:- Its easy to find

    Manju lata Yadav
    July 31, 2014