
Why you use MVC over Tradisional ASPX?

Yogesh Bajpai

Yogesh Bajpai

Apr 02, 2013

    MVC is pattern where all three layer UI (View), Data Access Layer (Model), Middle Layer (Contoller) are loosely coupled. We can easily replace any layer without affecting other layer.

    Dhanik Sahni
    April 04, 2014

    In MVC Controllers and Views are seperated, where as ASPX has its controllers and Views defined in single aspx and aspx.cs files, which means tightly coupled. The View changes affects the aspx.cs files. and 2) No routing is possible with asp.net but in MVC its possible. 3) MVC controller is unit testable, but aspx.cs is not unit testable since all request must send through UI.

    hello dude if you want your self upgrade thane use MVC pls ref :- http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/866143/Learn-MVC-Project-in-days-Day

    Arjun Walmiki
    July 03, 2015

    MVC provides good separation of concerns. TDD or test driven development is easy and simple to implement with this architectural pattern when compared to trad aspx.

    Mohseen Jamal
    August 20, 2014

    I would like to use MVC over Traditional ASPX because :- 1) Its light weight as compared to ASPX Pages. Its light weight because there is no unnecessary generation of rendered HTML which was their in ASPX. We have full control over generation of HTML. 2) MVC is open source since August 2012. 3) Sepeartion of concerns makes MVC application very robust and unit testable. 4) Its new technology and Microsoft is investing in it.

    Ritesh Sharma
    May 03, 2014

    I would like to use MVC over Traditional ASPX because :- 1) Its light weight as compared to ASPX Pages. Its light weight because there is no unnecessary generation of rendered HTML which was their in ASPX to maintain viewstate. We have full control over generation of HTML. 2) MVC is open source since August 2012. 3) Separation of concerns makes MVC application very robust and unit testable. 4) Its new technology and Microsoft is investing in it.

    Ritesh Sharma
    May 03, 2014