SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) v7.3 Released

Microsoft released the SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) v7.3 using which users can now migrate their data more easily to MS SQL Server from a variety of databases. The SSMA v7.3 allows the conversion of database schema from MySQL, DB2, Oracle, SAP ASE, and Access to SQL Server Schema.
As per the official blog, SSMA v7.3 has the following new features added –
  • Microsoft has considered customer feedback and fixed the issues faced in previous versions, so as to improve the quality of the conversion process.
  • Users are now allowed to export schema scripts as SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) projects. This way, they can make further modifications before deploying that schema to the database.

    Image Source: blogs.msdn.miscrosoft.com

  • Several kinds of custom conversions are now possible because SSMA has extended its support by allowing users to construct conversion code to handle the custom conversion.
For further information, you can simply visit the official blog where you will find the links of instructions for constructing the code, sample conversion projects, and SSMA downloads for various databases.
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