Entity Framework
Entity Framework
Entity Framework (EF) is an object-relational mapper that enables .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects. It eliminates the need for most of the data-access code that developers usually need to write.
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what is Type Conversion?

Entity Framework

Verify Database Prior To Data Insertion Using EF

Entity Framework

Building Entity Framework Generic Repository 2 Connected

Entity Framework

Building Entity Framework Disconnected Generic Repository


Which component fetch data from SQL to the application model

Entity Framework

Get Your Hands On Entity Framework Code First Workflow With New Database And Existing Database

Entity Framework

.NET Entity Framework Core Generic Async Operations With Unit Of Work Generic Repository


Difference between ADO.Net and Entity Framework

Entity Framework

Logging Database Operations To File In Entity Framework 6

Entity Framework

Getting Started With Entity Framework Core - Database-First Development

Entity Framework

How To Validate The Entity Framework Generated Database Connection String Before Starting An Application


How to Return Multiple result set in entity framework ?

Entity Framework

What's New In Entity Framework Core 2.0

Entity Framework

Entity Framework Core 2.0 Released

Entity Framework

Entity Framework Core Triggers In Action (Unofficial Package)

Entity Framework

Access Stored Procedure With User Defined Data Type Using Entity Framework

Entity Framework

Code First Development Approach With Entity Framework

Entity Framework

Entity Vs Model Vs ViewModel Vs DataModel

Entity Framework

Installation And Un-Installation Of Entity Framework Core In ASP.NET MVC Core


When will you prefer to use Code First or DB First approach and why?

Entity Framework

Creating Web API Using Code-First Approach In Entity Framework

Entity Framework

EF Core 2.0 Preview 1 Announced

Entity Framework

EF Core 2.0 Preview 1 Announced

Entity Framework

Eager Loading, Lazy Loading And Explicit Loading In Entity Framework

Entity Framework

Entity Framework Code First Approach With Database Migration