How to handle error- Cannot open database "MSCS_Admin" requested by the login

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I have a sharepoint site integrated with commerce server by activating required commerce server feature and modifying the channel.config and web.confg file using some feature.

Whenever I was trying to access the commerce server related data on sharepoint site. It was throwing following error.


Reasons behind this are as

  1. Service account should have full rights on "MSCS_Admin" database.

  2. Check commerce server manager has configured with correct connection string.

In my case service account had required permission on "MSCS_Admin" database. Still I was getting error because commerce server manager connection string was not correctly configured as.

When I configured the connection string as below it start working fine

Then click modify and configure the correct connection string.

Here one sql server account names "Connuser" is created and that account has required permission on commerce server databases. So newly created sql server account's (Connuser) credentials are used to connect the MSCS_Admin database of commerce server 2009.

I wanted to add few more things related to role of commerce server manager and why it's the connection string to MSCS_Admin database.

Commerce Server Manager manages the connections and configuration of objects that interface with Commerce Server systems and databases. It manages the objects that are either installed when you install Commerce Server, or when unpack a Commerce Server site. Additionally, you can define objects and add them to a site that Commerce Server Manager then manages

The CS Manager has only one connection string to the MSCS_Admin database, because the various connection strings for resources are stored in that database.

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