The Code tag is used for indicating source code of a programming language. The code tag represents any variable name, type of variable, a filename, a computer program, or any type of code that a computer would recognize. This tag is best used for short pieces of code because it does not preserve white space.Syntax
class=class names
id=specify unique id
style="style information >
Attributes Introduced by HTML5 |
accesskey |
contenteditable |
contextmenu |
data-X |
draggable |
hidden |
itemid |
itemprop |
itemref |
itemscope |
itemtype |
spellcheck |
tabindex |
HTML5 Event Attributes |
onabort |
onblur |
oncanplay |
oncanplaythrough |
onchange |
onclick |
oncontextmenu |
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ondragend |
ondragenter |
ondragleave |
ondragover |
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<!DOCTYPE html>
In this line I am using <code> tag. You should use <code>Server.MapPath()</code>
to get virtual directory.</p>
In below line, I am not using <code> tag. To show the effect of code tag.<br />
You should use Server.MapPath() to get virtual directory.</p>
<code><strong>Programming language</strong></code></p>
Code tag is used for indicating a source code of programming language. This code
represent any variable name, type of variable, syntax of code, a filename, a computer
program, or any type of code that computer would recognize. This tag is best used
for short piece of code because it does not preserve white space.
<br />
<code>con.Open();<br />
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();<br />
Response.Redirect("~/home.aspx"); </code>
Internet Explorer
Fire Fox