Content database migration in Sharepoint

Here I am showing you another easy way of taking share point backup/restore. I am using SQL server DB backup method.
  1. First of all you have to find out which is the content database for your web application  for that go to central administration Application Management and click on Content Databases


  2. From  the web application dropdown select your web application as shown below and find out the content databases


  3. Then go to SQL server and find out the same content database from there

  4. Take the DB backup as normal as we done in SQL server 


  5. Then take your backup and restore to your destination DB server. As shown below

  6. Let Say I restore the Content DB under the name New_Content


  7. Now open Central administration of your destination server

  8. Go to Application management and click on Create or extend web application


  9. Click on Create new Web application


  10. Give Description and port as normal 


  11. Under the Database Server name ,give your Share point DB server name 

  12. Under Database Name give  the name of the Database you just restored. In my case it is New_Content. 


  13. Click Ok then open your web application just created no with the url.You can see the share point site restored in the new destination server.

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