Quick Launch Navigation in SharePoint 2010: Part2

Here is Part 1

In this article we will be seeing how to add or remove the heading and links from the Quick Launch Navigation in SharePoint 2010.

Add a new custom heading to the Quick Launch Navigation

SPNavigationNode class accepts the following properties when we are creating a new heading.

  • Display Name(Required)
  • URL(Required)
  • External Link [True/False] (optional) – Specifies whether the link is internal (item in SharePoint) or external (another website)

SPNavigationNodeCollection nodeColl = web.Navigation.QuickLaunch;
SPNavigationNode heading1 = new SPNavigationNode("My Articles","");
SPNavigationNode heading2 = new SPNavigationNode("My Blogs", "");


Add a new Navigation Links to the custom heading in the Quick Launch Navigation

SPNavigationNodeCollection nodeColl = web.Navigation.QuickLaunch;
                    foreach (SPNavigationNode heading in nodeColl)
                        if (heading.Title == "My Articles")
                            SPNavigationNode link1 = new SPNavigationNode("Articles", "http://www.csharpcorner.com/", true);
                        if (heading.Title == "My Blogs")
                            SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("Blogs");
                            SPNavigationNode link2 = web.Navigation.GetNodeByUrl(list.DefaultViewUrl);
                            if (link2 != null)
                                link2 = new SPNavigationNode(list.Title, list.DefaultViewUrl);

How to delete the link from the Quick Launch:

Using C#

using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://serverName:1111/sites/SPSiteDataQuery/"))
                using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
                    SPNavigationNodeCollection nodeColl = web.Navigation.QuickLaunch;
                    foreach (SPNavigationNode heading in nodeColl)
                        foreach (SPNavigationNode links in heading.Children)
                            if (links.Title == "cl1")

Using PowerShell

$web=Get-SPWeb $webURL
$heading = $navigationNodeColl | where { $_.Title -eq "Libraries" }
$link = $heading.Children | where { $_.Title -eq "Shared Documents" }

How to delete the heading from the Quick Launch:

Using C#

SPNavigationNodeCollection nodeColl = web.Navigation.QuickLaunch;
                    foreach (SPNavigationNode heading in nodeColl)
                        if (heading.Title == "Libraries")

Using PowerShell

$web=Get-SPWeb $webURL
$heading = $navigationNodeColl | where { $_.Title -eq "Libraries" }

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