Interview Questions on SharePoint 2013

Interview Questions on SharePoint 2013

Destin joy

This eBook provides some basic SharePoint interview questions.

  • Published on Apr 03 2013
  • Pages 58
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This eBook provides some basic SharePoint interview questions. The reader will then be taken through Sharepoint different areas of interview questions. We can go through core parts of SharePoint Web parts, Custom Forms, Event Handlers, Features, Time Jobs, .NET, work flows etc. have prepared this not to equip you to pass SharePoint interview. It is just to increase your knowledge in SharePoint.
Table of Contents
  1. What is SharePoint?
  2. What are Features of SharePoint?
  3. Explain a SharePoint site?
  4. What is SharePoint site collection?
  5. What is SharePoint Web Farm?
  6. What is a Feature?
  7. What is a Master page?
  8. What is a Content type?
  9. What is a Solution.
  10. What is a Theme.
  11. What is the GAC?
  12. How can you get a reference to a site?
  13. How do you connect (reference) to a SharePoint list, and how do you insert a new List Item?
  14. How would you loop using SPList through all SharePont List items, assuming you know the name (in a string value) of the list you want to iterate through, and already have all the site code written?
  15. Some general terms and their definitions
  16. What is List?
  17. What is Document Library?
  18. What is Picture library?
  19. What is Check-out?
  20. What is Check-in?
  21. What is Versioning?
  22. What is Site Columns?
  23. What is rating?
  24. What is Audience targeting?
  25. What are views?
  26. What are the various types of views?
  27. What is Task list?
  28. What is Document Set?
  29. What is Drop-Off Library?
  30. What is Routing Rules List?
  31. What is Blogs?
  32. What is Enterprise wiki?
  33. What is Tagging?
  34. What is Recent activity?
  35. What is Survey?
  36. What is My site?
  37. What is enterprise Metadata Management?
  38. What is Web part?
  39. What is RSS Viewer?
  40. What is a Record Center?
  41. What is Document Center?
  42. What is Digital asset management?
  43. What is Social networking?
  44. What is a recycle bin in SharePoint?
  45. What is Publishing feature?
  46. What is Branding?
  47. What are Content pages?
  48. What is Page Layout?
  49. What is Navigation in SharePoint 2010?
  50. What are the various options for Navigation available in SharePoint 2010?
  51. What is Ribbon interface?
  52. What is a workflow?
  53. Explain .Net Workflow and SharePoint workflow?
  54. What is Single sign-on?
  55. What is ULS Logging?
  56. What does RunWithElevatedPrivileges do?
  57. What is the difference between method activity and event activity in Work Flow?
  58. What does SPWeb.EnsureUser method do?
  59. How to query from multiple lists?
  60. How Does SharePoint work?
  61. What is the difference between Syncronous & Asyncronous events?
  62. What is ServerUpdate() ?
  63. How to work with large list in SharePoint
  64. How can you force SPQuery to return results from all the folders of the list?
  65. What is query.ViewAttributes
  66. What is List View Threshold
  67. How to override List throttling using object model
  68. Difference between Close() and Dispose() Method
  69. What is the use of “Form Digest” control?
  70. What is the structure of the InfoPath form data?
  71. How to debug InfoPath 2010 WebForm?
  72. Use of InfoPath form Web part?
  73. What are the types of input forms that can be created for a workflow?
  74. What is a sandbox solution
  75. What is the use of Sandbox Solution?
  76. What all SharePoint item types supported by Sandbox Solutions?
  77. How to monitor Sandbox solution
  78. What is Service Application module in SharePoint
  79. What is the limitation and advantages of SSP and Service Applications?
  80. What is Enterprise Metadata Management?
  81. What Changes are made in SharePoint 2010 to enforce Referential Integrity?
  82. Where can I use InfoPath?
  83. Core Advantage of using InfoPath
  84. What are the elements we can apply workflow?
  85. What are the ways to initiate the workflow?
  86. What are ways to create input forms for workflow?
  87. What is the difference between method activity and event activity in Workflow?
  88. How Does SharePoint work?
  89. What is ServerUpdate()
  90. How can you force SPQuery to return results from all the folders of the list?
  91. What are the service applications that have its own database in SharePoint 2013
  92. Which are the service applications that should run in Web front end and application servers?
  93. What are the core capabilities of SharePoint 2013
  94. What is Apps for SharePoint 2013? What is the different type associated with the same
  95. What is the change associated with new Visual Web Part in SharePoint 2013?
  96. What is TilesViewWebPart in SharePoint 2013?
  97. How we can you Create & Deploy Sandbox Solutions in SharePoint 2013?
  98. How we can force a Solution to be deployed to 15 Hive and not 14 Hive?
  99. Is it possible to deploy Master Page and Custom Css from SharePoint 2010 in SharePoint 2013?
  100. Is it possible to use fabulous 40 templates in SharePoint 2013?
  101. Do we have any support for PDF in SharePoint 2013
  102. Do you have any idea about “Digital Content types”?
  103. What are the types of players that we can used to play SharePoint 2013 Video files?
  104. Can we embed Video from external sites like YouTube in SharePoint 2013
  105. Do you have any idea about Cross-Site Publishing?
  106. Is Sharepoint 2013 have better performance compared to earlier versions? If so how?
  107. What is Distributed Cache Service?
  108. What is Shredded Storage?
  109. What does the e Analytics Processing Component in SharePoint 2013?
  110. What are Device Channels in SharePoint 2013?
  111. What are the ways an app communicate with SharePoint?
  112. What are the options available to publish an app?
  113. What is meant by OData in SharePoint 2013
  114. What is the use of OData?
  115. What is an OData producer, and some examples?
  116. What is the use of OAuth in SharePoint 2013?
  117. What is a workflow stage shape in SharePoint Designer 2013?
  118. What is the Machine Translation Service?
  119. What is PowerPoint Automation Services?
  120. How can you add a HTML Master Page & Css with Design Manager SharePoint 2013
  121. What are the three user authentication methods that SharePoint 2013 supports?
  122. Which one is the most recommended method
  123. What types of authentication does Business Connectivity Services support?
  124. What Is An Event Listener in SharePoint 2013? What is the use of it?
  125. What are the new improvements in Excel Services in SharePoint 2013?
  126. What are Community Sites in SharePoint 2013?
  127. What is a ranking model in SharePoint 2013 search?
  128. What is a Continuous crawl?
  129. What does document parsing functionality do?
  130. Is Visual Upgrade available in SharePoint 2013?
  131. What is the use of Stemming in SharePoint Search?
  132. What is the use of Word breaking in SharePoint Search?
  133. What is the use of RB and RBS protocol in SharePoint Search?
  134. Capabilities of Fast Search in SharePoint 2013
  135. What are the uses of “Refiners” in SharePoint Search?
  136. What are the features of Federated Search?
  137. Difference between list and library?
  138. What is External list throttling
  139. What is your understanding on Column validation rules?
  140. How to do validation if the field values don’t allow more than 8?
  141. How to do validate if Due date is not greater than equal to current date
  142. Why should you not use Render ()? [only use RenderContents() or use the more OO approach and implement CreateChildControls()
  143. What is claims based authentication?
  144. How do we use the claims identity outside of SharePoint?
  145. What is LINQ to Sharepoint?
  146. Do you know any tools that can be used to create DataContent classes for use in LINQ queries?
  147. What are the advantages and disadvantages of LINQ to Sharepoint ?
  148. In Sharepoint 2010, at what levels can a workflow be activated? (Alternative Question: What is the additional scope a workflow be activated in Sharepoint 2010)?
  149. Can a workflow created in Sharepoint Designer be edited in Visual Studio?
  150. Can MS Visio be used to create a Sharepoint workflow?
  151. What are the two base classes a WebPart you are going to use within SharePoint can inherit from?
  152. What are the differences between the two base classes and what are the inherit benefits of using one over another?
  153. What does the RenderContents method do in an ASP.NET 2.0 WebPart?
  154. What the difference between CreateChildControls and the RenderContents method.
  155. What is the WebPartManager sealed class? What is its purpose?
  156. How many WebPartManager controls should be on a page?
  157. What is a SPSite and SPWeb object, and what is the difference between each of the objects?
  158. What is the use of SPWebApplication object?
  159. How we can get the SMTP address of the SharePoint site?
  160. Do we have any other way to send mail SharePoint
  161. Where Did OWA ULS Logs Go In SharePoint 2013
  162. Can we update Web.config Settings Programmatically?
  163. How we can deploy master pages in SharePoint?
  164. What is the difference between Site Definition and Site Template?
  165. Conclusion

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