Working With JavaScript in Silverlight 4.0

In this article I will show you calling of JavaScript function from Silverlight. It is very simple and straight forward.

Assume you have a JavaScript function on an aspx page as below:


<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
         function callmeonPageLoad() {
             alert("Hello Javascript from Silvertlight");

If you want to call this JavaScript function on a page load of the Silverlight page then you will have to add the namespace:

JavaScript in Silverlight 4.0

And in the constructor of the page call it as below:


using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Browser;
namespace SilverlightApplication7
    public partial class MainPage : UserControl
        public MainPage()

If you notice in above code you will find that MainPage is attributed with a ScriptableType.

JavaScript in Silverlight 4.0

On running Silverlight application you will be getting output as below:

JavaScript in Silverlight 4.0

On your XAML, if you have a textbox like below:

JavaScript in Silverlight 4.0

If you want to access and change the value of the textbox txtName in JavaScript then it too is very simple. Create a JavaScript function as below:


 <script type="text/javascript">
        function UpdatingTextBoxValue(sender) 
            var txtBlockFromSL = sender.FindName("txtName");
            txtBlockFromSL.Text = "Salsa ";

txtName is name of the Silverlight text box.

And on the page load on aspx page add a param:

JavaScript in Silverlight 4.0

If you have a function in managed code and you want to access that from JavaScript. Assume you have a function as below:


       public void SilverLightFunction(string txtToUPdate)
            txtName.Text = txtToUPdate;

You can call this function from JavaScript as below,

 <script type="text/javascript">
        function UpdatingTextBoxValue(sender) 
            var host = sender.GetHost();

This was all about various ways to work with Silverlight and JavaScript. I hope this article was useful. Thanks for reading.

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