Building ASP.NET bot protection (CAPTCHA-like)



One day I have decided to build own CAPTCHA for my project. Why? First of all I need quite strong bot protection. Second reason I want to make my contribution for the community. That's why I decided to make this project completely free for use. Why I am thinking that result of my work is a real strong protection? First of all it is new so there is no ready OCR for this one. Also, you can change it by yourself and receive completely different CAPTCHA. I am calling my CAPTCHA "ADSS AntiBot". I have a friend, he is breaking such security using OCR. He said not very bad. You can make your own protection based on this (link to us greatly appreciated, ADSS).




Everybody knows that world wide web filled up with spam bots, and webmaster (usually using developers) fight against this problem. Because every webmaster dreams about real visitors, not about thousands of bots that using some service and even resell it on another web site. So, the things known as CAPTCHA ("Completely Automated Public turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart") were made to fight against bots. I am using term AntiBot for my application.


Using the code


How to use downloaded source? Very easily. Just put some image on your page with Image URL set to captcha.ashx. This handler generates new image each time it accessed, and stores right value into the session.

string number_server_side=(string)Session[ADSSAntiBot.SESSION_CAPTCHA];

if (number_server_side == TextBox_number.Text)

{ // The code entered is valid }


{ // The code entered invalid }

This way you can use created HTTP handler. Another thing, I want to note, the image size. You can easily set it using ADSS AntiBot public constructor inside ProcessRequest function of handler.

public void ProcessRequest {context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; ADSSAntiBot captcha = new ADSSAntiBot(300,80);

// Set size using constructor string str = captcha.DrawNumbers(5);

if (context.Session[ ADSSAntiBot.SESSION_CAPTCHA] == null) context.Session.Add(ADSSAntiBot.SESSION_CAPTCHA, str);

else {context.Session[ ADSSAntiBot.SESSION_CAPTCHA] = str; }

Bitmap bmp = captcha.Result; bmp.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);}

Next picture shows result of this code. Sometimes you want large image, sometimes smaller. Points of Interest so, how we are creating this "hard to OCR" image? And how to improve it? We are using graphic path to warp image. Basically transformations is sin wave, regular random noise and some rotation. What is the goal? To create text that can be read by the human, not by the bot. How we are making this? We are "shaking" sub paths of our text. So, what is the goal of transform? First of all, we need to change it to make a letter separation hard. For this we are adding line through all the number displayed. Second thing, we need to remember, our numbers should be hard to OCR using a neural network. By moving path points randomly and by sin wave we are making line very think in some places. On the sample image, you can see this effect on "9" and "6". The following function is the heart of our transformation:

public GraphicsPath RandomWarp(GraphicsPath path)
public GraphicsPath RandomWarp(GraphicsPath path)

// Add line //

int PsCount = 10;

PointF[] curvePs = new PointF[PsCount * 2];

for (int u = 0; u < PsCount; u++) { curvePs[u].X = u * (Width / PsCount); curvePs[u].Y = Height / 2; }

for (int u = PsCount; u < (PsCount * 2); u++) { curvePs[u].X = (u - PsCount) * (Width / PsCount); curvePs[u].Y = Height / 2 + 2; }


double eps = Height * 0.05;

double amp = rnd.NextDouble() * (double)(Height / 3);

double size = rnd.NextDouble() * (double)(Width / 4) + Width / 8; double offset = (double)(Height / 3);

PointF[] pn = new PointF[path.PointCount];

byte[] pt = new byte[path.PointCount];

GraphicsPath np2 = new GraphicsPath();

GraphicsPathIterator iter = new GraphicsPathIterator(path);

for (int i = 0; i < iter.SubpathCount; i++) { GraphicsPath sp = new GraphicsPath();

Matrix m = new Matrix();

m.RotateAt(Convert.ToSingle(rnd.NextDouble() * 30 - 15),sp.PathPoints[0]);

m.Translate(-1 * i, 0); sp.Transform(m);

p2.AddPath(sp, true);

for (int i = 0; i < np2.PointCount; i++) { pn[i] = Wave(np2.PathPoints[i], amp, size); pt[i] = np2.PathTypes[i];

GraphicsPath newpath = new GraphicsPath(pn, pt);

return newpath;

We are not using lot of fonts like others do, not using colors. Color model only helps OCRing many captchas, font is not an obstacle too. But here we are making "random" font using this warp. I just wanted to show that .net framework makes it possible to protect site from Bots much better then other web languages. Also, I'm interesting in your suggestions about non-captcha bot protections. I'm going to continue my research in this direction. History The code described in this article is complete freeware. You can try it online. Also, you can download the last version on ADSS Web Site. Feel free to create your CAPTCHAs based on this one to fight against spam.

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