Creating table and retrieving data from MySQl in JDBC

Retrieving data from table in MySQL in JDBC:

In my previous article "Creating table and accessing data from MS-Access in JDBC" we had created a connection and retrieve the data from MS-Access, now in this article we will learn how to establish a connection with MySQL and perform different operation like create,update,retrieve etc.

To establish a connection with MySQL in JDBC, first we have to install MySQL on our system and we have to add the MySQL connector (it is a .jar file containing the classes that are the implementation of interfaces provided by Sun Microsystems ) to our class path variable. After doing this the classes implementing the interfaces provided by Sun Microsystem are available to our program.

How to add MySql connector to our class path variable: There are two approaches for adding the MySQL connector to our class path variable. Both are given below.

  • Adding  MySQL connector temporarily

In this approach we simply set the classpath variable = path to where our MySQL connector is stored on our system at the command prompt or console window. This approach is applicable until we close our console. After closing the console window, the classpath variable removes the path of MySQL connector.

syntax : c:\> set classpath=path of connector;

For example:  the given image is helpful for understanding the syntax

setting classpath temporarily

  • Adding  MySQL connector permanently

To add MySQL connector permanently we have to add the connector in the classpath variable of system (or in user). The following steps with figures will help you to add a connector in the classpath variable

  • Go to the My Computer and after right clicking, select the Properties option and click on that

    setting classpath permanently
  • System Properties window will open, select Advanced option and the following window will open

    setting classpath permanently
  • Select Environment Variable option and the following window will open

    setting classpath permanently
  • Select the class path variable (left click) and click on Edit button and the following window will open

    setting classpath permanently
  • In the System Variable window, go to the end of Variable value option and place a semicolon, after that add the path of connector followed by semicolon and click on the ok button

In this way we add the MySQL connector in the classpath variable.

Creating database in MySQL and granting it all privileges: To perform this we follow the following steps

  • Open MySQL and enter the password after this my mysql> prompt  will open

    opening mysql console
  • Create a database with the following command

    creating database in mysql
  • Granting a user name, password and all previleges with the following command

    granting privileges to mysql database

Now our MySQL database is ready for creating a  connection with JDBC.

Simple JDBC code for creating a table,  inserting a value, and retrieving that value from that table in MySQL database:

import java.sql.*;
public class MySQLdatabase
    public static void main(String[] args)
            Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/sqldatabase", "amit","amitabh");
            Statement s = con.createStatement();
            s.execute("create table student ( stud_id integer,stud_name varchar(20),stud_address varchar(30) )"); // create a table
            s.execute("insert into student values(001,'ARman','Delhi')"); // insert first row into the table
            s.execute("insert into student values(002,'Robert','Canada')"); // insert second row into the table
            s.execute("insert into student values(003,'Ahuja','Karnal')"); // insert third row into the table
            ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select * from student");
            if (rs != null) // if rs == null, then there is no record in ResultSet to show
            while ( ) // By this line we will step through our data row-by-row
                 System.out.println("________________________________________" );
                 System.out.println("Id of the student: " + rs.getString(1) );
                 System.out.println("Name of student: " + rs.getString(2) );
                 System.out.println("Address of student: " + rs.getString(3) );
                 System.out.println("________________________________________" );
            s.close(); // close the Statement to let the database know we're done with it
            con.close(); // close the Connection to let the database know we're done with it
        catch (SQLException err)
            System.out.println("ERROR: " + err);
        catch (Exception err)
            System.out.println("ERROR: " + err);

After executing this program we can see the following output on the console
output of mysql connectivity program on console
After executing this program we can see our table in MySQL as 

selecting the table from mysql after executing the program

Thank You!

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