Linq Aggregate Operators


LINQ provides many operators that support making various types of queries with any type of object.

An aggregate operator's main purpose is to return a single value; aggregate operators include Aggregate, Average, Count, LongCount, Max, Min and Sum. In this article we are going to see how to implement the three aggregate operators Max, Min and Sum in order to analyze ProductInventoryAmount class to extract some values as a notification about the Inventory level to notify people to take action when needed.

First, we made ProductInventoryAmount class to host basic properties related to the class activity, then we created an object of type List<> to host ProductInventoryAmount class. After that we created a variety of objects that represent different types of products with various states. Up to the point, using LINQ aggregate functions to analyse inventory level and show the results in dataGridView1.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace UsingLinqAggregateOperators
    public partial class Form1 : Form

        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <ProductInventoryAmount> InventoryDemo = new List<ProductInventoryAmount>();

            InventoryDemo.Add(new ProductInventoryAmount
                CategoryName = "Desktop Computer Accessories",
                ProductName = "Keyboard",
                ProductQuantity = 200,
                ProductOrder = 300

            InventoryDemo.Add(new ProductInventoryAmount
                CategoryName = "Laptop Accessories",
                ProductName = "Laptop Speakers",
                ProductQuantity = 200,
                ProductOrder = 100

            InventoryDemo.Add(new ProductInventoryAmount
                CategoryName = "Laptop Accessories",
                ProductName = "Laptop Speakers",
                ProductQuantity = 200,
                ProductOrder = 100

            InventoryDemo.Add(new ProductInventoryAmount
                CategoryName = "Printers",
                ProductName = "Wireless Printer",
                ProductQuantity = 200,
                ProductOrder = 200


            InventoryDemo.Add(new ProductInventoryAmount
                CategoryName = "Printers",
                ProductName = "Wireless Printer",
                ProductQuantity = 300,
                ProductOrder = 500


            // Using Linq aggregate functions to analyse inventory level
            var InventoryStockProcessing =
                from p in InventoryDemo
                group p by p.ProductName into g
                let maxProductOrder = g.Max(p => p.ProductOrder)
                select new {
                    // Name of category
                    Category = g.Key,

                    // Quantity of product in inventory
                    TotalUnitsInStock = g.Sum(p => p.ProductQuantity),

                    // Quantity of orders related to product
                    TotalRequiredOrders = g.Sum(p => p.ProductOrder),

                    // Calculate the difference between product quantity in inventory and required quantity
                    Difference = g.Sum(p => p.ProductQuantity) - g.Sum(p => p.ProductOrder),
                    //Paying attention if we need to increase quantity to meet order
                    Attention = g.Sum(p => p.ProductQuantity) < g.Sum(p => p.ProductOrder) ? true : false,
                    //Show the maximum and the minimum product order
                    MaximumOrderQuantity = g.Max(p => p.ProductOrder),
                    MinimumOrderQuantity = g.Min(p => p.ProductOrder) };

            // Show data in dataGridView1
            dataGridView1.DataSource = InventoryStockProcessing.ToList();


    public class ProductInventoryAmount
        public ProductInventoryAmount()
        // Automatic properties of ProductInventoryAmount
        public string CategoryName { get; set; }
        public string ProductName { get; set; }
        public int ProductQuantity { get; set; }
        public int ProductOrder { get; set; }



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