Accessing Array and Collection using LINQ


This article will teach you about how you can Access Array elements and Collections using LINQ.


CSharp .net 3.5


I will teach you with one example of Array and another of List<T> collection. If you are beginner to LINQ, let me teach you basic query format for writing query for LINQ.

from element  in <Collection/Array Name> where <Condition Here> orderby  <SortElementName>  select element

LINQ queries result can be retrieve in IEnumerable<T>

So, we will retrieve result of LINQ query into IEnumerable<T> object.

First I have setup Interface of application like below one 


Take one list box to display result of query and two buttons one for showing retrieval from array and one for List<T>

Working with List<T> using LINQ

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


   //Working with List<T> Using LINQ


   // Creating List

   List<string> list = new List<string>();








   //Select Fruites whose String length is less than 3


   IEnumerable<string> result = from Str in list where Str.Length > 3 orderby Str.Length select Str;



   foreach (string s in result)





Working with Array using LINQ

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    //Creating Array

   string[] StringArray = new string[5];


   StringArray[0] = "abc";

   StringArray[1] = "aac";

   StringArray[2] = "abd";

   StringArray[3] = "bad";

   StringArray[4] = "test";


   //Select all String Starting with 'a' using LINQ


   IEnumerable<string> result = from str in StringArray where str[0] == 'a' orderby str.Length select str;


   //Display result in List Box


   foreach (string str in result)






We have just seen in this article about how to manipulate array and collections using LINQ.

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