Rectangle in WPF

The Rectangle object represents a rectangle shape and draws a rectangle with the given height and width. The Width and Height properties of the Rectangle class represent the width and height of a rectangle. The Fill property fills the interior of a rectangle. The Stroke property sets the color and StrokeThickness represents the width of the outer line of a rectangle.

Creating a Rectangle

The Rectangle element in XAML creates a rectangle shape. The following code snippet creates a rectangle by setting its width and height properties to 200 and 100 respectively. The code also sets the black stroke of width 4. 






    StrokeThickness="4" />


The output looks like Figure 5.


Figure 5. A rectangle

The CreateARectangle method listed in Listing 8 draws same rectangle in Figure 5 dynamically.

/// <summary>

/// Creates a blue rectangle with black border

/// </summary>

public void CreateARectangle()


    // Create a Rectangle

    Rectangle blueRectangle = new Rectangle();

    blueRectangle.Height = 100;

    blueRectangle.Width = 200;           


    // Create a blue and a black Brush

    SolidColorBrush blueBrush = new SolidColorBrush();

    blueBrush.Color = Colors.Blue;

    SolidColorBrush blackBrush = new SolidColorBrush();

    blackBrush.Color = Colors.Black;


    // Set Rectangle's width and color

    blueRectangle.StrokeThickness = 4;

    blueRectangle.Stroke = blackBrush;

    // Fill rectangle with blue color

    blueRectangle.Fill = blueBrush;


    // Add Rectangle to the Grid.



Listing 7

The RadiusX and RadiusY properties set the x-axis and y-axis radii of the ellipse that is used to round the corner of a rectangle.  By adding the following lines of code to Listing 7 creates a rounded rectangle, which looks like Figure 6.

// Set roundness

blueRectangle.RadiusX = 20;

blueRectangle.RadiusY = 20;


Figure 6. A rounded rectangle

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